Dr Chihaka Onesai Blessing
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 040091
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2002
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2009 Sub-Speciality Gastroenterology (College of Medicine of South Africa-S.A) 2018
Contact Details
Business Address : Suite 8 West End Clinic Ext 7 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Muguti Godfrey Ignatius
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 060679
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1978
Secondary Qualifications: FRCS (Edinburgh-UK) 1984
Contact Details
Business Address : Ground Floor West End Clinic 13 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Rudraraju Venkata Satya Suryanarayana Raju
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 090560
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (Karachi-INDIA) 1976
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1989
Contact Details
Business Address : 44 Josiah Tongogara Avenue Avenues Harare

Dr Murphree Stephen Marshall
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 126984
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MD (Louisville-USA) 1984
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1991
Contact Details
Business Address : 37 Victoria Drive Newlands Harare

Dr Kitcat Rolfe De Winton
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 128614
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (Cape Town-S.A) 1976
Secondary Qualifications: DA (CMSA-S.A) 1980 FRCS (Edinburgh-UK) 1984
Contact Details
Business Address : 98 3rd Street Mutare Mutare

Dr Muguti Edwin Gamba
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 168980
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1987
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1999 FCS (The College of Surgeons of South Africa-S.A) 2000
Contact Details
Business Address : Suite 39 Medical Centre 52 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Madziva Noah
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 169439
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1987
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1995
Contact Details
Business Address : Westend Clinic 13 Baines Ave Harare

Dr Mbuwayesango Bothwell Anesu
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 233822
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1989
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1995

Dr Muchuweti David
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 235332
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1989
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2009
Contact Details
Business Address : 112 Hebert Chitepo Avenue Avenues Harare

Dr Stephens Daniel Alan
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 242909
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : Doctor of Medicine (Hanyang -CHINA) 1983
Secondary Qualifications: Res In Gen Surg (St Elizabeth -USA) 1989 Surgery (American Board of Surgery-USA) 2000 FACS (American College of Surgery-USA) 2002
Contact Details
Business Address : Karanda Mission Hospital P Bag 2005 Mt Darwin

Dr Mukosi Alfred
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 251646
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1990
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1996
Contact Details
Business Address : Harare Central Hospital P O Box ST14 Southerton Harare

Dr Wazara Matthew
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 260053
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1990
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2007

Dr Mungani Hopewell
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 273978
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1991
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 1998
Contact Details
Business Address : 90 Fife Avenue Harare

Dr Chitsika Emmanuel
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 293037
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1992
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2000
Contact Details
Business Address : Medical Centre 52 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Mushede Edson
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 293381
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1997
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2000 FCS (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2005

Dr Dube Israel
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 293570
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1992
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2001
Contact Details
Business Address : Medical Centre 52 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Nduku Kusezweni Kevin
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 294029
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1992
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2000
Contact Details
Business Address : 5 Cherlyn Court Avenues Clinic Harare

Dr Karidza Pardon
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 306089
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1994
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2007
Contact Details
Business Address : 123 Baines Ave Avenues Harare

Dr Sachikonye Mordecai Herbert
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 317274
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1997
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2008
Contact Details
Business Address : No. 11 Lanark Road Harare

Dr Chiwanga Michael
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 317391
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1997
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2008
Contact Details
Business Address : Suite 6 Westend Clinic Ext. 7 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Feliu Vazques Julio Cesar
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 324401
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : Doctor of Medicine (Havana-CUBA) 1974
Secondary Qualifications: 1st Degree Specialist in General Surgery (Havana-CUBA) 1982 2nd Degree Specialist in General Surgery (Havana-CUBA) 1991
Contact Details
Business Address : Medical Center room 36 between 8th avenue and Tongogara Harare

Dr Shambare Conrad
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 343437
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1997
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2008

Dr Machokoto Menard
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 346056
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1997
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2005

Dr Maunganidze Aspect Jacob Vengani
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 357210
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1999
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2006
Contact Details
Business Address : 52 Baines Avenue Avenues Harare

Dr Kadumbo Urayayi Nicodimus
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 366249
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2000
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2011

Dr Magara Munyaradzi Samson
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 377063
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 1998
Secondary Qualifications: FCS (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2005
Contact Details
Business Address : Suite 12 Medical Centre J Tongogara Street Bulawayo

Dr Mutseyekwa Brightson Nhaka
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 400532
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2003
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2016

Dr Ntoto Mambote Crispen Oliver
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500004
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (Kinshasa -DRC) 1993
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (Kinshasa -DRC) 2002
Contact Details
Business Address : Mpilo Central Hospital P O Box 2096 Bulawayo

Dr Zimunhu Taurai
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500310
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2004
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2011 Fellow of the College of Surgeons Paediatric Surgery (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2015
Contact Details
Business Address : No 90 Fife Avenue Harare

Dr Mabvadya Tichaona
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500374
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2004
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2018

Dr Zulu Noel Ralph
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500389
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (Wits-S.A) 2004
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2012

Dr Siamuchembu Maphios
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500492
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2005
Secondary Qualifications: MPH (Leeds -UK) 2010 FCS (General Surgery) (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2019
Contact Details
Business Address : United Bulawayo Hospitals Department of Surgery Bulawayo

Dr Mungazi Simbarashe Gift
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500711
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2006
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2016 FCS (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2018 Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (American College of Surgeons-USA) 2020

Dr Mbanje Chenesa
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500736
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2006
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2016 FCS (College of Medicine of South Africa-S.A) 2018
Contact Details
Business Address : 21 Rowland Square Milton Park Harare

Dr Kundiona Innocent
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 500764
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2006
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2013 Fellowship in Advanced Head and Neck Surgery (Cape Town-S.A) 2016
Contact Details
Business Address : 16 Cleveland Avenue Milton Park Harare

Dr Karangura Adrian
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700033
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2006
Secondary Qualifications: MMed (Sur) (ZIMB) 2015 FCS Plastic Surgery (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2018

Dr Munanzvi Kudzayi Sarah
Gender : Female
Registration Number : Sur 700270
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2007
Secondary Qualifications: Fellow of the College of Surgeons Paediatric Surgery (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2020

Dr Bondera Tafadzwa
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700283
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2020
Contact Details
Business Address : United bulawayo Hospitals P O Box 958 Bulawayo

Dr Chivanga Shelton Kudzanai
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700298
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2017

Dr Runodada Peter Munyaradzi
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700814
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2017
Contact Details
Business Address : 69 Central Avenue Harare

Dr Ngulube Allan
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700819
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2016

Dr Maruba Edgar Tinashe
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700862
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2020

Dr Mukosera Tongesai Trymore
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700872
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: FCS (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2016
Contact Details
Business Address : Suite 302 Haylet House Corner J. Tongogara/ 9th Avenue Bulawayo

Dr Chikunya Eugine
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700886
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2016 FCS (College of Medicine of South Africa-S.A) 2017

Dr Taguta Calsto
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700893
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2020

Dr Chinyowa Simbarashe
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 700906
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2008
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2016
Contact Details
Business Address : 26 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Muriva Munyaradzi
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 701029
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2009
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2020

Dr Gwanda Brian Muchemwa
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 701241
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2010
Secondary Qualifications: FCS (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2016

Dr Mlambo Busisiwe Ruvarashe
Gender : Female
Registration Number : Sur 701403
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (Wits-S.A) 2010
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2020

Dr Mushunje Sithandweyinkosi
Gender : Female
Registration Number : Sur 701549
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2011
Secondary Qualifications: Fellow of the College of Paediatric Surgeons of South Africa (CMSA-S.A) 2021

Dr Moyo Mugove Welcome
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 701855
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2012
Secondary Qualifications: Fellow of the College of Surgeons Paediatric Surgery (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2020

Dr Muparadzi Constantine
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 701872
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2012
Secondary Qualifications: Fellow of the College of Surgeons Paediatric Surgery (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2020

Dr Mutambanengwe Precious Gamuchirai Teererai
Gender : Female
Registration Number : Sur 701875
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2012
Secondary Qualifications: Fellow of the College of Surgeons Paediatric Surgery (COSECSA-TANZANIA) 2020

Dr Chengahomwe Antony
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 701907
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : MBChB (ZIMB) 2012
Secondary Qualifications: MMed Surgery (ZIMB) 2021
Contact Details
Business Address : Suite 14 Westend Clinic 13 Baines Avenue Harare

Dr Sanchez Castillo Ernesto
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 800138
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : Doctor of Medicine ( Santiago -CUBA) 1991
Secondary Qualifications: 1st Degree in General Surgery ( Santiago -CUBA) 2002
Contact Details
Business Address : No 14 Blaice rd Ndlindela Harare

Dr Cai Yi
Gender : Male
Registration Number : Sur 805881
Education Details and Speciality
Speciality : Specialist Surgeon
Primary Qualifications : Clinical Medicine (Xiangya-CHINA) 2005
Secondary Qualifications: Gen. Surg. (Xiangya-CHINA) 2012
Contact Details
Business Address : No. 1 Glenara Avenue Harare



Top 3 General Surgeon in Harare

Dr Runodada Peter Munyaradzi

Dr Mabvadya Tichaona

Dr Kadumbo Urayayi Nicodimus

Top 3 General Surgeon in Zimbabwe

Dr Dube Israel

Dr Mukosi Alfred

Dr Madziva Noah


Top Female General Surgeon in Zimbabwe

Dr Munanzvi Kudzayi Sarah

Dr Mlambo Busisiwe Ruvarashe

Dr Mushunje Sithandweyinkosi

Dr Mutambanengwe Precious Gamuchirai Teererai

General Surgery Cost in Harare

General Surgery in Harare Cost in Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWL) Average Cost in US Dollars
Adrenalectomy ZWL 1,898,135 $5,273
Breast Lumpectomy ZWL 2,033,716 $5,649
Breast Tumor Removal ZWL 2,372,668 $6,591
Diagnostic Laparoscopy ZWL 1,355,810 $3,766
Esophagectomy ZWL 3,050,573 $8,474
Gastrectomy ZWL 1,491,391 $4,143
General Surgery Consultation ZWL 55,566 $154
Hepatectomy ZWL 2,304,878 $6,402
Hernia Repair ZWL 1,220,229 $3,390
Hiatal Hernia Surgery ZWL 1,288,020 $3,578
Incisional Hernia Repair ZWL 1,152,439 $3,201
Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery ZWL 1,084,648 $3,013
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair ZWL 1,220,229 $3,390
Laparoscopy ZWL 1,626,972 $4,519
Laparotomy ZWL 2,169,297 $6,026
Laproscopic Cholestectomy ZWL 3,118,364 $8,662
Liver Transplant ZWL 21,692,966 $60,258
Lymph Nodes Removal ZWL 1,220,229 $3,390
Mastectomy ZWL 2,372,668 $6,591
Orchidopexy ZWL 2,508,249 $6,967
Snoring Surgery ZWL 2,101,506 $5,838
Splenectomy ZWL 2,440,459 $6,779
Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy ZWL 2,169,297 $6,026
Thymectomy ZWL 2,711,621 $7,532
Thyroidectomy ZWL 3,525,107 $9,792
Umbilical Hernia Repair ZWL 949,067 $2,636
Varicocele Surgery Open Bilateral ZWL 2,576,040 $7,156
Varicocele Surgery Open Unilateral ZWL 1,898,135 $5,273

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