Acromioclavicular joint Cost in Lagos

AC Joint Damage may be debilitating and obstructs the everyday chores of a patient. So, one has to seek therapy to resolve the problem and get back to a healthier life. Because of the high costs involved in conducting the operation, most patients avoid the surgical procedure.

Acromioclavicular Joint Repair

 Cost in Lagos

  Surgery name  Minimum price  Maximum price 
Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery  $ 2,100  $ 4,900 
Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery   ₦ 8,005,20 ₦1,867,880 


The average Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery in Lagos is 3,500 USD.

Lagos is the preferred destination for Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery because of the Low Cost of Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery in Lagos 2,100 USD. Many patients travel from abroad and different parts of the country because the Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery price in Lagos 2,100 USD is affordable.

There are many Hospitals with highly experienced Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery Surgeons in Lagos. Lagos city also has very good supply of Implants required for Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery in Lagos.

Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery reviews in Lagos by past clients are very encouraging because Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery success rate in Lagos is high.

 Acromioclavicular joint Repair in Lagos?


A part of the body that connects the shoulder blade and the collarbone is the Acromioclavicular Joint (AC Joint). The bonds between the shoulder blade and the collarbone are torn in certain cases, which triggers what is known as separation of the shoulder. Treatment for AC joint injuries can involve medicine or cold packs to relieve inflammation, a sling, and, in some cases, surgery requiring the repair or shortening of the collarbone attachments in the joint.

The severity of the acromioclavicular joint injury and the degree of the damage depends on the supporting structures that are affected. Tearing of the acromioclavicular ligament alone is not a severe injury, but the entire shoulder unit is involved when the coracoclavicular ligaments are ruptured, thus complicating the dislocation.

Simple AC injuries vary from a slight dislocation to a complete separation in three grades:

Grade I – The joint has a small displacement. It is possible to stretch or partially tear the acromioclavicular ligament. The most common form of injury to the AC joint is this.

Grade II – Partial dislocation of the joint in which, during the physical inspection, there may be some displacement that may not be evident. Although the coracoclavicular ligaments remain intact, the acromioclavicular ligament is completely broken.

Grade III – A complete mutual separation. The acromioclavicular ligament, the ligaments of the coracoclavicular, and the capsule around the joint are broken. Typically, on clinical review, the displacement is evident. The shoulder falls under the weight of the arm without any ligament support and the clavicle is pulled up, creating a lump on the shoulder.


The bones of the Shoulder

  • The humerus is the bone in the upper arm. This is the “ball” of the “ball and socket” joint of the shoulder.
    The scapula is the shoulder blade generally referred to as the flat, triangular bone. For several muscles and ligaments, prominent regions of the scapula function as attachment points.
    On the side of the scapula, the glenoid is the shallow “socket” receiving the ‘ball’ of the humerus. They together form the shoulder’s “ball and socket” configuration.
  • A horizontal ridge along the back of the scapula that separates the scapula into upper and lower regions is the scapular spine.
  • The terminal of the scapular spine is the acromion. To form the top of the shoulder, it projects up.
  • A horizontal ridge along the back of the scapula that separates the scapula into upper and lower regions is the scapular spine.
    The terminal of the scapular spine is the acromion. To form the top of the shoulder, it projects up.
    A projection towards the front of the scapula is the coracoid process and is an attachment site for many muscles and ligaments.
    The collarbone is the clavicle. Although it appears to be straight, when seen from above, it actually forms an S-shape.
  • An anchor for many muscles and ligaments is the thorax or rib cage. The thorax stabilizes and retains the correct alignment of the scapula, even though the ribs do not physically bind to the scapula, so that the arm can work to its fullest ability.


The shoulder has two forms of cartilage:

Articular cartilage –  glossy white coating that covers the end of the humeral head and forms the inside surface of the glenoid is articular cartilage. It is for two purposes:

For fast movement, to have a smooth, slick surface

To be a shock absorber and to protect the bone underneath,

Fibrocartilage -The dense tissue forming the disks of the AC and SC joints and the labrum, the ring that deepens the glenoid, is fibrocartilage. The three functions of fibrocartilage are:

  • To act as a shock absorption cushion,
  • To allow the joint to stabilize by enhancing the fit of the bones
  • To act as a spacer and enhance interaction between the surfaces of the articular cartilage


For protection, the shoulder relies heavily on ligaments. The ligaments connect bone to bone and provide a joint with “static” stability. With normal motion, ligaments can alternately become tight and loose. Within the usual limits of movement, they hold the joint.

The glenohumeral ligaments are connected in layers around the head of the humerus from the glenoid labrum to form the joint capsule.

The coracoacromial arch is the community of ligaments covering the coracoid phase and the acromion’s bony projections.

Most support for the AC joint is provided by the coracoclavicular ligaments and the acromioclavicular ligament.

Tendons and Muscles
In the shoulder, muscles and tendons work together to provide the shoulder’s “dynamic” stability.
The shoulder has four muscle groups:
The subscapularis, the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, and the teres minor are the rotator cuff muscles. They are the key stabilizers that hold the humerus’ “ball” to the glenoid “socket” The socket is too shallow for the humerus to give a great deal of protection. A “cuff” around the humeral head forms these four muscles, holding it securely in the socket. This group of muscles often rotates the limb, as its name suggests.
The scapulothoracic muscles connect the thorax to the scapula. Their main role is to stabilize the scapula in order to allow proper motion of the shoulder.
The shoulder’s superficial muscles are the broad, powerful outer layer of muscles that are essential to the shoulder’s overall function. The deltoid muscle comprises this category, which encompasses the muscles of the rotator cuff.


A pillow-like sac filled with a tiny amount of fluid is a bursa. Bursae (plural) reduces friction and allows two rigid components, such as bone and tendon, or bone and muscle, to glide smoothly. In the human body there are over 50 bursae; the highest is the shoulder subacromial bursa (under the acromion). One structure is also known to be the subacromial bursa and the subdeltoid bursa (under the deltoid muscle). This bursa, from the acromion, divides the rotator cuff and the deltoid muscle.


The cost of  Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery in Lagos is as following:

Minimum Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery Cost starts from     –       ₦8,005,20 

The average Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery price is approximate in Lagos – ₦ 1,334,200

The maximum Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery in Lagos is up to –  ₦1,867,880


The Cost for Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery may vary according to the following factors: 

  • Doctor’s Fee 
  • Hospital charges 
  • Medical condition after Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery 
  • Type & Quality of Implants/Consumables 
  • Lab Tests recommended post Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery 

What are the signs and symptoms of an Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery?


The Symptoms
Symptoms and signs of a separate shoulder can include:

  • Pain in the shoulder
  • The weakness of the shoulder or arm
  • Bruising on the shoulder or swelling
  • Restricted movement of the shoulder
  • At the top of your shoulder, a lump, and swelling

How is an Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery diagnosed in Lagos?


The doctor will evaluate the shoulder region after determining the history of the patient’s injury by comparing the overall position of the arm and shoulder to the uninjured limb, searching for signs of fracture or dislocation. Since it is situated right under the skin, the AC joint itself is easily checked. Bones and soft tissue around the joint and between the acromion and the clavicle can be sensed softly by the doctor. A bump, tenderness or instability may be present, which would indicate a joint separation. Crepitus (noise) can suggest a fracture as the bones shift. The physician frequently assesses the range of motion of the patient and conducts tests to isolate particular areas of pain and weakness.

Further assessment can involve:

A diagnostic anesthetic injection can help validate the diagnosis, which blocks pain.

A diagnosis of an AC joint separation can be confirmed by X-rays which can help the doctor decide if the injury is a separation or a fracture. Recently, a new cross-body X-ray has been established that is very helpful in confirming the diagnosis and can be used in the near future in general.

Acromioclavicular Joint Insurance surgery coverage in Lagos

Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery is very common procedure in Lagos. Many health insurance companies assist you for this medical emergency surgery.

Top Insurance companies covering Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery are

  •   AIICO Insurance  Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Lead Way Assurance company Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Custodian and Allied Insurance Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Cornerstone Insurance Plc Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • AXA Mansard Insurance Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • African Alliance Insurance Plc Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Goldlink Insurance Plc Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Continental Insurance Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Industrial and General Insurance Plc Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage 
  • Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery coverage from Lasaco Assurance Plc 


How is an Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery treated in Lagos?

AC separation treatment depends on the grade of the injury. The classification lets the physician select the best path to treatment. Grades I – III are normally non-operatively treated. A time of pain will happen to the vast majority of patients. The shoulder is typically completely functional until this pain passes, although the patient will still have a minor cosmetic defect at the site of the injury.

The candidates for early surgical reconstruction may be some patients with grade III AC separations. A conversation between the doctor and the patient should concentrate on the desires of the patient and on a potential return to sports. Many surgeons tend to conservatively handle the AC separation first. Surgical reconstruction is an option if grade III patients experience complications or do not recover properly. (After 1 year, conservative and surgical care for grades I – III has virtually the same outcomes.)

Non-Operative Treatment

Most AC Grade I – III separations are successfully treated with non-operative therapy, which may include:
To decrease pain and swelling, ice.
When the pain subsides, rest and a supportive sling. Usually, this takes between 1-2 weeks.
Pressure and drugs that are anti-inflammatory.
As soon as it is tolerated with gentle exercises and progresses as healing requires, a recovery program to regain normal motion and strength is initiated.
Without surgical intervention, most patients recover within 2 to 3 months, depending on the grade of injury.

When there is a complete and painless range of motion, no more tenderness when the AC joint is touched, and manual traction does not cause pain, the patient is permitted to return to sports. For a grade I injury, this typically takes around 2 weeks, 6 weeks for a grade II injury, and up to 12 weeks for a grade III injury.

Operative Treatment

For AC separations that do not respond well to non-operative care, surgery may be required. If pain persists in the AC joint with overhead operation or in contact sports after 2 to 3 months, surgery may be required. For a small group of Grade III AC separations, there are several doctors who give early surgery based on the behaviors and demands that these patients put on the shoulder.

These patients include, among others:

  • Youthful, involved citizens (over the age of 13).
  • Staff whose jobs warrant heavy overhead work.
  • Athletes whose overhead motions are exhausting and repetitive in non-contact sports.

To stabilize a split AC joint, a number of surgical procedures have been used. The most widely practiced surgical procedure includes repair of the coracoclavicular ligaments and removal of the distal (shoulder) end of the clavicle. Without the repair of the ligaments, distal clavicle resection can lead to excessive scapular rotation. Reconstruction studies show that it is possible to stabilize the AC joint adequately by:

A fixation with pins or plates across the acromioclavicular region.
Using synthetic materials, loop fixation from the clavicle to the coracoid phase.
To secure the joint, the most common reconstructive procedures today use a screw or suture loop.

Around 10-15mm of the clavicle is removed through a two-inch incision above the joint in a distal clavicle resection. The AC ligament is then moved to repair the broken ligament from the bottom of the acromion into the cut end of the clavicle.

What is the Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery success rate in Lagos?

What are the findings of joint surgery with AC? With this surgery, most patients get outstanding pain relief, and almost 95 percent return to their level of operation and sports pre-injury. There are few complications and the outcome is very satisfactory for most patients.

What kinds of complications can occur during Joint Acromioclavicular Surgery?


Constant instability of the shoulder girdle or residual pain with exercise are symptoms of AC joint injuries. These complications can occur either with non-operative treatment or with surgical treatment. Failure to repair the acromioclavicular ligament and coracoclavicular ligaments may result in pain and a sense of overhead operation instability. If, due to the lack of scarring, the end of the clavicle remains unstable, contact sports or overhead activities can be painful.
Hardware failure is linked to other problems associated with the repair of the AC or CC ligaments.
Due to the rotation of the clavicle with all overhead operations, fixation of the clavicle to the coracoid process is hard. If the patient does not wear a sling after surgery as advised, the screws used to fix these two bones together can pull out.

Most surgeons today, with dissolvable sutures or with a screw that is extracted at around three months, can permanently connect the clavicle to the coracoid.


To relax – Avoid behaviors that make shoulder pain worse, especially by crossing the injured arm in front of your body. To take the pressure off your shoulder and encourage healing, you may want to temporarily immobilize your arm in a sling.
Ice – Shoulder pain and swelling may be minimized by ice. For 15 to 20 minutes at a time, use a cold pack.
Physical counseling – Exercises that stretch and reinforce will help regain strength and mobility in your arm

What to expect for Acromioclavicular Joint Surgery from your physician?

It is possible that your doctor will ask you some questions, such as:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does your shoulder hurt?
  • When did your pain in your shoulder begin?
  • In your arm or neck, do you have numbness or tingling?
  • You know what gave rise to your symptoms? For example, have you recently fallen out or participated in contact sports?
  • Have you ever hurt your shoulder?
  • What, if anything, appears to make the pain better?
  • What, if anything, seems to aggravate your pain?

Acromioclavicular joint Surgery Cost in Lagos – Find the Best Surgeons, Reviews and Book Appointment

cat-icon 115 Akerele Extension, 115 Akerele Road, Surulere, Lagos 100001, Nigeria
cat-icon 14c Kayode Abraham Street, Off Ligali Ayorinde St, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

BM Empire MultiSpecialist Hospital – Find Reviews & Book Appointment

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cat-icon 4 Amosu Street, Bode Thomas St, Lagos, Nigeria
cat-icon 21 Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way, Ikeja GRA, Ikeja 101233, Lagos, Nigeria
cat-icon Block 105, 6 Olabanji Olajide St, Lekki Phase 1 100283, Lagos, Nigeria

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