University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH)

The Federal Government took over the University of Benin Teaching Hospital on April 1, 1975, making it the sixth teaching hospital after Ibadan Teaching Hospital and Lagos Teaching Hospital. The Institution has been resolute in its response to difficulties as they emerge, to the point that the UBTH may proudly claim to have completed its mandate. For more than four decades, the Tertiary Referral Hospital, widely regarded as a Center of Excellence, has remarkably and effectively served as the last port of call for expert management of diverse and varied disease conditions in Edo, Delta, part of Kogi, and Ondo states, which largely form its catchment area, and occasionally further afield. Colonel Samuel O. Ogbemudia, the then Governor of Nigeria’s Midwestern State, and Prof. Tiamiyu Belo-Osagie conceived the University of Benin Teaching Hospital in 1969. Following private trips to the Island Maternity Hospital in Lagos and the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, the idea to construct a suitable medical hospital in Nigeria’s Midwestern region arose. The Governor was reportedly satisfied with the amenities of these hospitals following his visits, according to records. In a budget speech delivered by Colonel Samuel O. Ogbemudia in April 1972, the “Midwest Medical Centre” was renamed “University of Benin Teaching Hospital.” Prof. Tiamiyu Belo-Osagie, in particular, was lauded for his selfless efforts from the hospital’s inception to completion. He was a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Benin, as well as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Provost of the College of Medical Sciences. The University of Benin Teaching Hospital has made a significant contribution to the preferment. To efficiently address the hospital’s needs, the UBTH now has a Dialysis Center, CT Scanning Service, a fully integrated Accident Center, and a fully working Oxygen generating unit. The UBTH is a leader in West Africa in terms of training and research. UBTH will continue to lead innovation in research, clinical services, and compassionate care after 35 years of exceptional healthcare advancements.

University of Benin Teaching Hospital Services

  UBTH LABORATORY: Medical Microbiology: SWAP, stool, urine, CSF, blood culture, semen analysis, serology, fungus, TB, HIV, and parasites are among the tests available. Urinalysis, liver function text, lipid and thyroid profile are all examples of chemical pathology. UBTH NURSING Patients in wards and clinics receive hands-on care. Medication administration, intravenous lines, observation and monitoring of patients’ status, record keeping, communication with consultants, and patient advocacy are all part of the job.   UBTH PARAMEDICS Pre-Hospital and Inter hospital medical treatment are provided by EMTs. Medical Emergencies and Trauma Cardiac Arrest Care, Oxygen Administration, Wound Dressing, Intramuscular Drug Administration, Intravenous Access, Endotracheal Intubation.   UBTH DENTISTRY Restorative dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, functional appliance treatment, and care of cleft lip and palate (Pre-Surgical Orthopedics). Prosthetic dentistry (fixed prosthodontics, endodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and operational dentistry) UBTH PHARMACEUTICALS Dispensing of medications, stock and inventory control/logistics, pharmacovigilance, research and development   UBTH HEALTH OF WOMEN Materno-Fetal Medicine, Gynecology, URO-Gynecology, Fertility Counseling, Infertility, IVF therapies, Endocrinology, Antenatal care and education, High-Risk Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, Colposcopy   DIAGNOSTICS For medical investigations, UBTH provides a wide range of diagnostic and therapy technologies. Radiology (X-rays), ultrasound, CT scanners, MRI machines, bone scans, and mammography are all examples of medical imaging. CDC : early detection of common chronic illnesses for quick referral | WPC | CDC Well Person Clinic | CDC : early detection of common chronic illnesses for quick referral : Checking blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, lipid profile, and HIV testing

University of Benin Teaching Hospital Surgery

The Department of Surgery’s functional organisation for service, teaching, and research is based on recognised surgical specialty units, each of which is led by one or more consultant surgeons who are academically affiliated with the University of Benin. Professors, Associate Professors, Senior Lecturers, and Lecturers are all types of academics. I work primarily as a lecturer at the University of Benin, and I also serve as an honorary consultant for the University of Benin Teaching Hospital. Resident doctors largely hired by the University of Benin Teaching Hospital are allocated to each speciality unit on a rotational basis.   The surgical specialty units include: I. General Surgery Gastroenterology, (i) Upper GI & Pancrease and Liver (ii) Colo-Rectal II General Surgery Endocrinology/Oncology, III Cardiothoracic Surgery, IV Paediatric Surgery, V Accident/Trauma and Surgery, VI Urology Neurosurgery, VII Neurosurgery, In addition Sub-special areas where special procedure are carried out: A. Laparoscopic procedure B. GI Endoscopy  

University of Benin Teaching Hospital List of Surgeons

1 Prof. I. Evbuomwan Paediatric Surgery MBBS,FRCS(ENG) FWACS 2 Prof. Festus Ogisi ENT Surgery MBBS, FRCSEdin, FMCS,FWACS FMCORL 3 Prof M.N. Okobia Oncology/endocrine surgery MBBS,FMCS,FWACS, MPH, PhD 4 Prof E.C. Ohanaka Upper GI/Laparoscop Surgery MBBS, FRACS, DMAC 5 Prof. S.O. Elusoji General Surgery MBBS, FMCS, FICS 6 Dr. O.C. Osime Assoc. prof Colorectal Surgery MBBS, FMCS, MSc, DMAS FWACS 7 Dr. M.I. Momoh Endocrime Surgery MBBS,FWACs, 8 Dr. T.A. Njoku Snr Lecturer Colorectal Surgery MBBS,FMCS 9 Dr. T.C. Oguike Urology MBBS, FWACS 10 Dr. D. Osifo Paediatric Surgery MBBS, FWACS FICS 11 Dr. D.O. Udoh Neurosurgery MBBS, FWACS ,FICS 12 Dr. P.R.O.C. Adobamen Lecturer I Ear,Nose,Throat,Head & Neck Surgery FWACS, FMCORL, FRHD ,MBBS 13 Dr. S.U. Okugbo Cardiothoracic FWACS, MBBS 14 Dr.G.A. Anyanhun Cardiothoracic FWACS,MBBS 15 Dr. A.L. Okhakhu ENT Surgery FWACS, FMCORL, MBBS 16 Dr. E. Obarisiagbon Urology FWACS 17 Dr. N.C. Onyeagwara ENT Surgery FWACS, FMCOL 18 Dr. (Mrs) E.O. Emokpaire ENT Surgery FWACS 19 Dr. P.N. Akumabor Urology Hospital Chief Consultant FRCSEdin, FWACS 20 Dr. E. Egwaikhide Hospital Chief Consultant Paediatric Surgery FWACS 21 Dr. J. Agbugui Hospital Consultant Urology FMCS 23 Dr. O. Irowa Hospital Consultant Gastroenterology FWACS 24 Dr. E. Okoro Hospital Consultant Gastroenterology/Trauma Endoscopy FWACS 25 Mrs. A. Airhunmwunde Prin. Con.Sec Confidential Secretary HND Sec Admin., PGD Public Admin 26 Mrs. V.N. Eteri Chief Typist Office Administration/ Secretarial Duties SSCE,Diploma in Public Admin., 50 WPM in Typewriting 27 Mrs. A. Eliboh Snr. Lab. Supervisor Clinical/Laboratory duties 28 Miss E. Ekomwanredo Chief Clerical Officer Clerical Duties WASC, NABTEB 29 Mrs. I. Oviasogie Office Assistant Messengerial Duties First School Leaving Certificate 30 Mrs. M. E. Otokiti General duties Prim 6 Leaving Certificate Snr. Foreman

University of Benin Teaching Hospital Surgeries

  General Surgery: Basic principles Wounds; ulcers; sinuses; fistulae; inflammation; gangrene; wound healing; dressing. Wound infection; gram positive pyogenic cocci; gram negative pyogenic bacilli; anaerobic clostridia infection; tetanus; gas gangrene; cross infection; antibiotics; sterilization of instruments; investigation of postoperative fever. Metabolic response to injury, shock, haemorrhage, haemostasis, blood transfusion, fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance; parenteral nutrition. Inguino-scrotal swellings, hernia, hydrocoele, testicular swellings, pididymitis. General Surgery: Gastroenterology Haematemesis and melaena, physiology of gastric secretion, gastric function tests, complications of gastric surgery. Peptic ulcer, Carcinoma of stomach, Gastrointestinal polyps, Primary and secondary liver tumors, Small and large intestinal obstruction, volvulus of sigmoid colon, intussusception. Colostomy, ileostomy, faecal fistula, umbilical discharge, Ruptured spleen, blunt abdominal injury. Ascites, gall stones, bile duct strictures, surgical jaundice. Pancreatico-duodenal carcinoma, pancreatitis. Subphrenic abscess, Liver abscess, surgical complications of amoebiasis. Typhoid, Appendicitis, Tb. Abdomen. Rectal bleeding, anal pain, anal discharge, pruritus ani. Haemorrhoids, anal fissure, anorectal abscesses, fistula-in-ano, rectal prolapse. Inflammatory bowel disease. Diverticulitis. Colorectal polyps and carcinoma. The differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain. Non-surgical causes of abdominal pain. General Surgery: Breast, Endocrines, Oncology Breast abscess, nipple discharge,Benign tumours of the breast, malignant tumors of the breast. Salivary gland tumours, sialoadenitis, salivary gland calculi. Differential diagnosis of neck swellings, goiters. Thyrotoxicosis, carcinoma of the thyroid, thyroiditis, thyroidectomy, thyroid function tests. Surgical aspects of hypertension, phaeochromocytoma, Cushing’s disease, insulinoma, hyper-parathyroidism, apudoma. Tumors in general – classification; modes of spread, cytotoxic chemotherapy, irradiation, immune-therapy, hormonal therapy (ablative and additive); terminal care in inoperable malignancy. Reticulosis, Hodgkin’s disease, lymphosarcoma, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Dysphagia, oesophagitis, lye and other benign oesophageal strictures, achalasia, carcinoma of the oesophagus, oesophageal diverticula. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, extracorporeal circulation. Pulmonary tuberculosis, carcinoma of the lung, bronchiectasis, Heamoptysis, Varicose veins, lymphoedema, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism, Portal venous hypertension, Oesophageal varices, Aneurysms. Acute and chronic occlusive disease of the major arteries (aorta, femoropopliteal, mesenteric, carotid, vertebro-basilar). Sympathectomy. Operations of the heart and heart Valves. Urology Haematuria, investigation of the urinary tract, renal, ureteric and bladder stone, bladder tumors. Retention of urine, benign prostatic hypertrophy,urethral structure, carcinoma of the prostate. Anuria: Renal failure, hydronephrosis, Renal tumors, perinephric abscess. Circumcision, unde-scended and maldescended testes, ectopia vesicae, congenital abnormalities of the kidneys, hypospadias, vesico-ureteeric reflux. Immunology Immunology of transplantation: kidney, liver, heart and lung transplants,dialysis. Paediatric Surgery Tracheo-oesophageal fistula, infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, intestinal atresia and stenoses, Hirschprung’s disease, ano-rectal anomalies, intussusceptions, urogenital abnormalities in infancy and childhood. Plastic Surgery & Burns Hare lip and cleft palate, thyroglossal cyst, bronchial cyst, Burns, skin graft, keloids, hypertrophic scars, Peripheral nerve injuries, Tendon injuries, Burns and cold injuries. Abscesses, wound infection, dressings, Peripheral nerve injuries, Tendon injuries, Burns and cold injuries, Abscesses,wound infection, dressings. Otorhinolaryngology Otitis: epistaxis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, nasal and oropharyngeal tumors; tracheostomy. Ophthalmology: Conjunctivitis, uveitis, glaucoma, red eye, cataract, tumors of the eye. Orthopaedics: Osteomyelitis, hand infections, septic arthritis, bone and joint Tb, Melanoma Pedis. Polio myelitis, peripheral nerve injuries, low back pain, sciatica, Bone tumours, os-teomalacia, rickets, osteoporosis. Classification of fractures, Complications of fractures, Principles of management of fractures, Common fractures of the upper limbs, Common fractures of the lower limb, Common fractures of the pelvis and shoulder girdle. Common fracture of the vertebral spine, Common dislocations and fractures at the shoulder, Common dislocations and fractures at the hip, Common dislocations and fractures at the knee, Common dislocations and fractures at the ankle, Common dislocations and fractures at the elbow Common dislocations and fractures at the wrist, Common dislocations and fractures of the hand and foot, plaster of Paris techniques, bandaging and elastoplasts, Strpping, splints, rehabilitation, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Traumatology Trauma, multiple injuries, organisation of the accident and emergency (traumatology) unit. Mass casualties, Head injury, Blunt abdominal injuries & penetrating injuries to the abdomen, Chest injuries, flail chest, open and closed pneumothorax, Urinary trace injuries, Eye injuries, Ear, Nose and Throat injuries, Vascular injuries, Maxillofacial injuries, Spinal injuries.

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