Hematology in Ethiopia – Find Best Hospital, Doctors and Cost

Are you confused or having second thoughts about hematology and treatment in Ethiopia?

Don’t worry; Ethiopia has everything you could ever want. It is recommended to choose hematology treatment in Ethiopia because it is both economical and has successful outcomes. All forms of blood and blood-related problems are expertly treated and cared for by the hematology departments at hospitals in Ethiopia, including hemato-oncology and cellular therapy.

With a top-notch team of doctors who have treated a wide range of blood disorders and infectious diseases for many years, modern facilities, and an unmatched history of hematological therapies, Ethiopia is the best country in the world for treating blood-related conditions.

What is Hematology?

The area of medicine known as hematology is dedicated to the study of blood-related illnesses, including their causes, diagnoses, treatments, and prevention. It involves treating conditions that affect the formation of blood and its constituents, such as blood cells, blood proteins, hemoglobin, bone marrow, blood vessels, platelets, spleen, and the coagulation process. These diseases include blood clots (thrombus), hemophilia, various bleeding disorders, and blood cancers such as multiple myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma.

Doctors that specialize in haematology are referred to as hematologists or haematologists. Their main duties are caring for and treating patients with haematological problems. Some of them may also work in a laboratory setting where they analyze blood films and bone marrow slides under a microscope and interpret the findings of various haematological and blood coagulation tests.

Hematology advancement in Ethiopia

Modern hematology analyzers are now well-equipped with advanced methods to gather data on cell characteristics and identify illnesses. The hematology analyzers make use of a variety of technologies to identify the different cell types present in blood samples and count each one separately in order to get a full blood count with distinct results. It enables the detection of several white cell types, including developing granulocytes and reticulocytes.

Using immunofluorescence, automated cell counting, and flow cytometry techniques, modern technological advancements in ethiopia provide a quicker way to diagnose benign and malignant hematological problems and have a better understanding of many diseases.

Top Hematologists in Ethiopia

1.Dr. Adulaziz Sherif: In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the Tikur Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital, Dr. Sherif practices internal medicine and hematology and holds the position of Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine. There are just two hematologists in Ethiopia, including Dr. Sherif. Since he began practicing six years ago, he has treated 600 CML patients annually.

2. Afework Hagos (MD, Internist, and Hematologist): Dr. Afework Hagos received his medical degree from Jimma University and an certificate of subspecialization in adult clinical hematology from Addis Ababa University. He currently works at St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College as a top internist and adult hematologist.

Hematology Cost in Ethiopia

Hematology in Ethiopia Average Cost in Ethiopian Birr (Br) Average Cost in US Dollar (USD)
Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant ብር2,782,080 $50,400
Aplastic Anemia ብር238,464 $4,320
Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant ብር2,623,104 $47,520
Blood Cancer Treatment ብር302,054 $5,472
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) ብር2,623,104 $47,520
Fanconi Anemia ብር286,157 $5,184
Leukemia Treatment ብር596,160 $10,800
Lymphoma Treatment ብር620,006 $11,232
Multiple Sclerosis ብር516,672 $9,360
Myeloma Treatment ብር397,440 $7,200
Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant ብር2,543,616 $46,080
Sickle Cell Disease ብር310,003 $5,616
Thalassemia Transplant ብር532,570 $9,648

Top 10 Hematological Treatments Cost in Ethiopia

1.Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Cost in Ethiopia – $47,520

An operation to replace your bone marrow with healthy cells is known as a bone marrow transplant. This assists your body in producing enough red blood cells, platelets, or white blood cells to prevent anemia, bleeding disorders, or infections. Your body’s own cells or those from a donor can serve as replacement cells. During this operation, blood stem cells are transplanted into the bone marrow where they make new blood cells and promote the growth of new marrow. Transplantation can be used to treat leukemia, myeloma, and other diseases of the immune system that affect the bone marrow. The suitability of a bone marrow transplant for you will be decided by your doctor. In Ethiopia a bone marrow transplant would cost $47,520.

2. Blood Cancer Treatment Cost in Ethiopia – $5,472

A form of cancer known as blood cancer interferes with the development and operation of blood cells. This specific type of cancer begins in the bone marrow, which is essential for producing blood. Your bone marrow is where stem cells mature and give rise to red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. Due to the development of an abnormal type of blood cell, the process of producing blood is disrupted in the case of cancer. Treatment for blood cancers is based on the type of cancer, your age, how quickly it is growing, where it has spread, and other factors. The treatment cost for blood cancer in Ethiopia is $5,472.

3. Leukemia Treatment Cost in Ethiopia- $10,800

A blood cancer called leukemia is characterized by the quick development of abnormal blood cells. Your bone marrow, where the majority of your body’s blood is produced, is where this excessive growth occurs. White blood cells that are immature or still developing are typically leukemia cells. Leukemia typically doesn’t create a mass (tumor) that may be seen on imaging tests like X-rays or CT scans, unlike other cancers. Leukemia can have many different forms. While some are more prevalent in youngsters, others are more prevalent in adults. Leaukemia traetment in Ethiopia costs $10,800.

4. Lymphoma Treatment Cost in Ethiopia- $11,232

The lymphatic system, which is a component of the body’s defense against infection, is where lymphoma develops. The bone marrow, spleen, thymus gland, and lymph nodes are all components of the lymphatic system. Each of those regions as well as other organs across the body are all susceptible to lymphoma. The type and severity of your lymphoma will determine which treatment is best for you. Treatment options for lymphoma can include chemotherapy, immunotherapy drugs, radiation therapy, a bone marrow transplant, or a combination of these. The Cost of Lymphoma treatment in Ethiopia will be $11,232.

5. Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Cost in Ethiopia- $9,360

A potentially paralyzing condition of the brain and spinal cord is multiple sclerosis (MS). The immune system attacks myelin, the sheath that shields nerve fibers, causing impaired brain-to-body communication. The syndrome may potentially cause irreparable disability or nerve degeneration. Depending on the extent of nerve damage and which nerves are impacted, MS signs and symptoms can vary greatly. There is no treatment for multiple sclerosis. However, medications can alter the course of the disease, manage symptoms, and hasten the recovery after attacks. The treatment for Multiple Sclerosis in Ethiopia will cost you $9,360.

6. Myeloma Treatment Cost in Ethiopia – $7,200

Multiple myeloma, often known as myeloma, is a cancer of the plasma cells. White blood cells known as plasma cells are responsible for producing the antibodies that defend against infection. Excessive cell growth in myeloma displaces normal bone marrow cells that produce red blood cells, platelets, and various types of white blood cells.

Often, no symptoms are immediately apparent. As it advances, anemia, kidney dysfunction, and bone discomfort may appear. Although multiple myeloma cannot be cured, related illnesses and symptoms can be treated to lessen the disease’s progression. The cost of Myeloma treatment in Ethiopia is $7,200.

7. Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Cost in Ethiopia- $46,080

Pediatric bone marrow transplant is a treatment for kids and teenagers with certain types of cancer and other blood abnormalities. BMT aims to replace a child’s unhealthy bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. In pediatric BMT, children receive the new or transplanted cells intravenously, much like a blood transfusion. All types of blood cells, including immature blood cells known as stem cells, are created in the spongy substance called bone marrow, which is located in the core of the bones. Stem cells are filtered during BMT and then reinjected into the same child. These stem cells will develop into brand-new, healthy bone marrow. A pediatric bone marrow transplant in Ethiopia costs $46,080.

8. Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Cost in Ethiopia- $5,616

One of the genetic diseases known as sickle cell disease is sickle cell anemia. Red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to every region of the body, are affected in terms of structure. Typically rounded and flexible, red blood cells can flow through blood veins with ease. Certain red blood cells with sickle or crescent shapes are indicative of sickle cell anemia. These rigid and sticky sickle cells can also cause blood flow to be slowed down or blocked. For most sufferers of sickle cell anemia, there is no cure. Aside from reducing suffering, treatments can also assist avoid the disease’s complications. The treatment for Sickle disease in Ethiopia will cost $5,616.

9. Thalassemia Transplant Cost in Ethiopia- $9,648

A genetic blood condition known as thalassemia causes the body to produce too little or abnormal hemoglobin. Treatment for moderate or severe thalassemia typically involves blood transfusions. You get red blood cells with healthy hemoglobin as a result of this procedure.

The other treatment for thalassemia is a stem cell transplant. A hematopoietic stem cell transplant, commonly known as a bone marrow transplant, replaces unhealthy donor cells with functioning blood-forming stem cells. A Thalassemia transplant cost in Ethiopia will be $9,648.

10. Aplastic Anemia Treatment Cost in Ethiopia – $4,320

When the body stops producing new blood cells, aplastic anemia develops. You get worn out and more vulnerable to infections and uncontrolled bleeding as a result of the condition. Aplastic anemia is a rare and dangerous illness that can appear at any age. It might happen quickly or steadily develop and get worse over time. It might be light or heavy. Medication, blood transfusions, or a bone marrow transplant, sometimes known as a stem cell transplant, are all possible treatments for aplastic anemia. The cost of Aplastic Anemia treatment in Ethiopia is $4,320.

Top Hematology Hospitals in Ethiopia

Hematology reviews in Ethiopia

Reviews of hematology in Ethiopia have been positive on trusted websites. Patients say that there are renowned hematologists with years of experience, highly individualized care, and the ability to identify any kind of hematological disorder. According to reviews, patients can expect receiving treatment in Ethiopia with the best technological devices and successful outcomes for all disorders. All problems can be treated at a reasonable cost, and patients are completely happy with their treatment.

Why Ethiopia for Hematology?

Highly Qualified Doctors and nurses: The top medical hematologists, who are exceptionally qualified, passionate, and dedicated, are part of the medical team in Ethiopia.

World Class Medical Facilities: The network of top-notch facilities in Ethiopia are equipped with modern infrastructure and the newest technology and equipment.

Quality & Accreditation: All of Ethiopia’s hospitals are known for their excellent care and accreditation, which is based on factors such as hospital infrastructure, surgery volume, low re-operation rates, safe results, and low death rates administered by the country’s best hematologists.

Affordable Cost: Ethiopia offers affordable procedures performed by the best surgeons that are well within your budget.

Customized Services: Ethiopian hospitals provide thorough treatments from highly qualified surgical teams according to the patients’ needs. Patients may also receive long-term follow-up.

Safe Results: For hematological surgery, all Ethiopian hospitals guarantee safe outcomes with high success rates.

Hematology Success Rate in Ethiopia

The success rates of hematology in Ethiopia are almost on par with those in developed nations. The 5-year survival rate is 75% for both men and women. The success rate of hematology in Ethiopia is also influenced by other factors too, such as the patient’s age, type of sickness, severity, general health, and hereditary medical history.

Hematology Insurance coverage in Ethiopia

Top 5 Medical Insurance companies – A medical insurance plan will provide coverage for all hematological procedures in Ethiopia.

  1. National Insurance Company of Ethiopia – NICE
  2. Nyala Insurance Share Company – NISCO
  3. Africa Insurance Company – AICSC
  4. Awash Insurance Company – AIC
  5. Global Insurance Company – GIC

Hematological technologies in Ethiopia

Hematology Analyzers in Ethiopia

Blood samples are subjected to testing using hematology analyzers. They are used in the medical industry to perform coagulation tests, complete blood counts, reticulocyte analyses, and white blood cell counts. Other characteristics of a hematology analyzer to take into account include the necessary sample size, the kind and number of testing modes, the speed at which results are available, the automated flagging of results that are outside of the normal range, and the number of test results it can store.

Hemostasis Analyzer in Ethiopia

In as little as three minutes, a hemostasis analyzer can examine icteric, hemolytic, and lipemic samples. A quality hemostasis analyzer (or coagulation analyzer) will offer mechanical or optical clot detection; high-end hemostasis analyzers can do both.

Coagulation Analyzer / Microcoagulation System in Ethiopia

Coagulation analyzers offer quick and easy assessment of blood platelet levels. A coagulation test might offer diagnostic protection against blood clots that could cause heart attacks. In just a few minutes, a coagulation analyzer can be used to evaluate the speed of the coagulation pathway as well as the levels of thrombolin and thromboplastin. A microcoagulation system includes built-in quality control and security lockout measures to assure safe and secure use due to the sensitive nature of patient health information.

Hematology Diagnosis methods in Ethiopia

Modern diagnostic tools are available in the hematology departments of hospitals in Ethiopia for the early identification and diagnosis of all types of blood disorders. Successful management or treatment of hematological disorders depends on early diagnosis and therapy. Every patient is subjected to a rigorous and essential diagnostic process by a team of professional doctors in Ethiopia to diagnose blood diseases early, precisely, and properly in order to develop an effective treatment strategy.

The following is a list of blood diseases’ diagnoses:

Complete blood count (CBC) – An extensive spectrum of hematological diseases are found using this method. Additionally, it helps in assessing the patient’s general health. The various blood components are measured with this process, and they are:

  • Red blood cells (RBC)
  • White blood cells (WBC)
  • Platelets
  • Hematocrit red blood cell volume (HCT)
  • Hemoglobin (HB)
  • Differential white blood count
  • Red blood cell indices

An underlying medical issue can be indicated by any abnormal value in any of these. The doctor would further assess this to determine the best course of treatment.

Prothrombin time (PT), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) and International Normalized Ratio (INR) – These tests check if your blood is clotting normally in order to prevent excessive bleeding during surgery. It is also helpful in determining how well blood clotting or thinning medications work.

Bone marrow biopsy – This test evaluates a bone marrow sample taken from the patient. The deepest soft region of the bones, bone marrow, is in charge of making blood cells. A tiny needle is used to take a sample from the body, which is then examined for abnormalities.

Leukemia Treatment in Ethiopia

What Is Leukemia?

White blood cell counts rising in your body can lead to leukemia, a blood cancer. These white blood cells compete for space with the healthy red blood cells and platelets that your body need. Unlike healthy white blood cells, these leukemia cells are unable to fight infections. They also begin to impair how your organs function because there are so many of them. If you don’t get enough platelets to clot your blood, enough regular white blood cells to combat infection, or enough red blood cells to carry oxygen, you can eventually become anemic. The cost of Leukemia treatment in Ethiopia is $10,800.

Leukemia Symptoms

Leukemia can have a variety of symptoms and complications. In the early stages of some kinds, you might not see any symptoms. When you do experience symptoms, these could include:

  • Weakness
  • Bruising or bleeding easily
  • Fever
  • joint or bone discomfort
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of weight
  • Sweats at night
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Enlarged lymph nodes


The kind of leukemia you have, the extent of its spread, and your general health all influence the sort of treatment you receive.

The key choices are:

  • Chemotherapy: It involves medications to destroy cancer cells in your bone marrow and blood.
  • Radiation: High-energy X-rays are used in radiation to either kill or stop the growth of leukemia cells.
  • Biologic therapy: Immunotherapy, also known as biologic therapy, helps your body’s immune system in locating and eliminating cancer cells. The body’s inherent defenses against leukemia can be strengthened by medications like interleukins and interferon.
  • Targeted therapy: Drugs are used in targeted therapy to stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking particular genes or proteins. Leukemia cells can be killed through direct killing, cutting off their blood supply, or stopping the signals that leukemia cells utilize to proliferate and replicate.
  • Stem cell transplant: Through a stem cell transplant, the blood-producing leukemia cells in your bone marrow are replaced. Your body’s fresh stem cells might be obtained by your doctor from you or from a donor. To start, you’ll receive intense chemotherapy treatments to eradicate the cancer cells in your bone marrow. The fresh stem cells will then be infused into a vein in your body. They will develop into brand-new, healthy blood cells.
  • Surgery: If your spleen has cancer cells inside of it and is pressing on other organs, your doctor may decide to remove it. Splenectomy is the medical term for this treatment.

Lymphoma Treatment in Ethiopia

Lymphocytes, which are immune system cells that fight infection, are where lymphoma, a type of cancer, first appears. These cells can be found in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, and other organs. When you have lymphoma, your lymphocytes change and overgrow. Lymphoma is often treatable and has a range of prognoses depending on the kind and stage of the disease. The cost of Lymphoma treatment in Ethiopia is $11,232.


The warning symptoms of lymphoma are:

  • Swollen glands (lymph nodes), in the neck, armpit, or groin
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Itching


The type and stage of your lymphoma will determine the course of treatment you get.

  • Chemotherapy, which use medications to destroy cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy, which targets cancer cells with the body’s immune system.
  • Radiation therapy, which uses powerful beams to kill cancer cells.
  • Targeted therapy that targets aspects of lymphoma cells to slow their growth.

Scope of Hematology in Ethiopia

All blood and blood-related problems are expertly treated and cared for in hospitals in Ethiopia’s department of hematology, hemato-oncology, and cellular therapy. Hospitals in Ethiopia are furnished with modern infrastructure and a highly qualified team of doctors to provide top-notch care for patients with blood disorders like anemia, deep vein thrombosis, hemophilia, thalassemia, and malignancies of the blood, lymphatic system, and bone marrow.

Both adult and pediatric patients are treated in Ethiopia with dedication and care. Hospitals in Ethiopia are persistently committed to providing a holistic patient experience in addition to first-rate therapeutic facilities. The clinicians treat each patient uniquely, especially young patients, to ensure the greatest possible patient results.


1.What can I expect from my first consultation?

Before suggesting a course of therapy on your initial consultation, doctors will perform comprehensive diagnostic tests to get a clear picture of your illness. After the testing, doctors will discuss your options for treatment with you.

2. How much does hematology surgery cost in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia offers a wide range of hematology treatments at relatively affordable prices.

3. Who are hematologists?

Hematologists are medical professionals who focus on identifying, managing, and treating blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system illnesses.

4. What diseases are treated by hematology?

Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma, which are all malignancies arising from abnormal blood or bone marrow cells, are the three main cancerous haematological diseases.

5. What are the symptoms of hematology?

Hematologic malignancies and blood diseases can show signs and symptoms, such as:

  • Bruising or bleeding readily
  • Recurring infections
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Night sweats
  • Weight loss
  • Joint discomfort (in myeloma)

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