IVF in Ethiopia – Find Best Hospital, Doctors and Cost

In-vitro fertilization (IVF), as the name suggests, is a procedure that involves combining sperm and egg. Because infertility is a personal issue and is frequently viewed as a curse or taboo in many countries, including Ethiopia, there is probably a lack of understanding of the methods and processes involved in IVF therapy. The situation is changing, however, as more people are starting to accept the concept of in vitro fertilization (IVF), and many prestigious hospitals, including those in Ethiopia, are now specializing in treating patients with infertility-related issues. These centers have the best doctors and embryologists as well as the latest medical technology.

Most of the IVF doctors in Ethiopia have extensive training and experience. They give patients the best care possible and collaborate closely with the nursing team to make sure the patient receives the best possible medical attention. Additionally, as compared to other nations, IVF treatment in Ethiopia is less expensive.

What is In Vitro Fertilization?

In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilization where an egg and sperm unite outside of the body. A woman’s ovulatory cycle is observed and stimulated during the procedure, and an ova or ovum is removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilized in a lab with sperm. .

In vitro fertilization is a treatment choice for infertility sufferers who are still unable to conceive despite using standard treatment procedures. A couple’s own eggs and sperm can be used in the operation. Or IVF may use eggs, sperm, or embryos from a known or unknown donor. In some circumstances, a gestational carrier—someone who has had an embryo implanted in the uterus—might be used.

IVF advancement in Ethiopia: Ethiopian hospitals are renowned for consistently performing multiple deliveries with a very high success rate and great accuracy. IVF specialists in Ethiopia provide a variety of procedures, such as IVF, Natural IVF, IVF with an egg donor, embryo donation, assisted hatching, laparoscopy, etc., at reasonable costs.

Ethiopian doctors regularly carry out modern techniques such assisted laser hatching, oocyte and ovarian tissue freezing, embryo biopsy, DNA fragmentation, and personalized embryo transfer. The use of cryopreservation, a new specialized service now accessible in Ethiopia, allows for the longer-term storage of either the eggs, sperms, or the zygote (fertilized cell). As a result, Ethiopia has made significant progress in recent years.

IVF Treatments Cost in Ethiopia

Infertility in Ethiopia

Average Cost in Ethiopian Birr (Br)

Average Cost in US Dollar (USD)

Blocked Fallopian Tubes Treatment ብር233,730 $4,410
Cesarean Section ብር200,340 $3,780
IVF- In Vitro Fertilization ብር400,680 $7,560
In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation ብር467,460 $8,820
In Vitro Fertilization with ICSI ብር500,850 $9,450
In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI ብር481,240 $9,080
In Vitro Fertilization with Laser Assisted Hatching ብር434,070 $8,190

Top IVF Treatments Cost in Ethiopia

1. Blocked Fallopian Tubes Treatment Cost in Ethiopia – $4,410

Female reproductive organs called fallopian tubes join the ovaries and the uterus. Every month, an egg is transported from an ovary to the uterus by the fallopian tubes during ovulation, which takes place around in the middle of a menstrual cycle. The fallopian tube is where conception also takes place. A fertilized egg travels down the tube to the uterus for implantation after being fertilized by sperm. A blocked fallopian tube prevents sperm from reaching the eggs and prevents the fertilized egg from returning to the uterus. Fallopian tube blockages are frequently caused by scar tissue, infections, and pelvic adhesions. Your doctor may perform laparoscopic surgery to clear any scar tissue or adhesions that are obstructing your fallopian tubes and open them. The cost of blocked fallopian tubes treatment in Ethiopia is $4,410.

2. Cesarean Section Cost in Ethiopia – $3,780

A cesarean section, often known as a C-section or cesarean birth, is a surgical delivery in which the mother’s abdomen and uterus are cut (incisions are made). The mother’s and the fetus’s health determines the type of incision that is made. The uterine incision may either be horizontal or vertical. The fetus can be delivered medically through a C-section if you are unable to give birth vaginally. Your Cesarean delivery may be scheduled and planned. Or you may have it done due of complications during delivery. The cost Cesarean section in Ethiopia is $3,780.

3. IVF- In Vitro Fertilization Cost in Ethiopia -$7,560

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex set of treatments intended to improve fertility, avoid genetic problems, and help in child conception. IVF involves removing mature eggs from ovaries and fertilizing them in a laboratory using sperm. The fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs are then transferred into a uterus. IVF takes roughly three weeks to complete one full cycle. In terms of assisted reproductive technology, IVF is the most successful method. In Ethiopia, cost of IVF is $7,560.

4. In Vitro Fertilization with Egg Donation Cost in Ethiopia – $8,820

If in vitro fertilization with the woman’s own eggs is unsuccessful, the couple can consider thinking about using donor eggs. The use of donor eggs and occasionally donation embryos enables infertile women to become pregnant. A woman provides her eggs (or oocytes), which are used to help another woman conceive a baby, as a form of assisted reproduction. The male partner’s sperm or donor sperm may be paired with donor eggs. The cost of In Vitro Fertilization with egg donation in Ethiopia is $8,820.

5. In Vitro Fertilization with ICSI Cost in Ethiopia – $9,450

The head of the male sperm must attach to the outside of the female egg before it may fertilize the egg. In order to reach the cytoplasm of the egg, where fertilization occurs, the sperm must first become attached to the egg. For a number of reasons, the sperm sometimes cannot enter the outer layer. The egg’s outer layer can be thick or difficult for the sperm to penetrate, or the sperm may not be able to swim. In many situations, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection can be used to help fertilize the egg. The egg’s cytoplasm is directly injected with one sperm during ICSI. In Ethiopia, the cost of In Vitro Fertilization with ICSI is $9,450.

6. In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI Cost in Ethiopia – $9,080

IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) is the injection of a single, carefully chosen sperm into the mature egg. It gives the medical professionals the ability to distinguish between sperm types and rule out any potential variations. When injecting into the egg, doctors use a high magnification digital imaging microscope to execute this surgery. Anyone who has had unsuccessful IVF cycles in the past, as well as partners who may have a component of male infertility, should strongly consider IMSI. The cost of In Vitro Fertilization with IMSI in Ethiopia is $9,080.

7. In Vitro Fertilization with Laser Assisted Hatching Cost in Ethiopia – $8,190

A scientific IVF procedure called laser-assisted hatching can facilitate the embryo’s “hatching,” or breaking through of its outer layer or “shell,” a membrane also known as the zona pellucida. This layer can occasionally become abnormally thick and/or rigid due to the freezing and thawing process, among other things. The embryo’s chances of adhering to or implanting into the uterine wall are improved by how easily it hatches. The embryo must hatch and implant in order for pregnancy to occur, and laser-assisted hatching can play a significant role in attaining these essential processes. In Ethiopia, the cost of In Vitro Fertilization with laser assisted hatching is $8,190.

Top IVF Hospitals in Ethiopia

IVF reviews in Ethiopia

IVF treatment in Ethiopia has received excellent feedback from patients, who claim that the country’s hospitals assist many couples in overcoming their stigma issues and realizing their childbearing dreams. Ethiopia has skilled IVF specialists, medical staff, nurses, and provides the full range of assisted reproductive procedures in an environment of individualized care and empathy for patients.

Investigations are planned after a thorough history and physical examination, which may differ from couple to couple. These investigations aid in choosing the best course of action from among the different Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) available.

Why choose IVF treatment in Ethiopia?

Here are some of the reasons for choosing IVF in Ethiopia:

Qualified and Experienced Doctors

The nation is home to some of the most skilled and well-known specialists. There are smart medical professionals that are skilled in treating infertility.

Affordable IVF Treatment

When compared to the majority of western nations, the nation also provides economical medical care. Treatment costs are reduced and domestically produced drugs are also less expensive.

Personalized Care

In their efforts and services, Ethiopians demonstrate their generosity and compassion. The best medical facilities make sure that patients receive the necessary individualized care and attention as part of the treatment plan.

Advanced IVF Treatment

If you choose IVF treatment in Ethiopia, you can find specialists who stay up-to-date on the latest methods and scientific developments. The doctors use these techniques and technologies in their treatments to provide their patients the greatest likelihood of success. Before attempting the novel treatment on patients, the IVF Centers in Ethiopia assesses the treatment’s viability and assesses its risk and practical implementations.

IVF Success Rate in Ethiopia

IVF success rates are influenced by a number of factors, including your age and the underlying reason of your infertility. The success rate of IVF in Ethiopia is often between 50 and 60 percent and depends on a variety of factors. It can be up to 65% if a woman is under 35 and her infertility is mild. According to statistics that can be compared to those of wealthy nations, Ethiopia’s average IVF success rate is 55%. At the best IVF clinic in Ethiopia, success rates might reach 80% because of the qualified IVF specialists, skilled doctors, and experienced staff.

IVF Insurance coverage in Ethiopia 

Top 5 Medical Insurance companies –

A medical insurance will provide coverage for all IVF procedures. In Ethiopia, hospitalization costs are covered by medical insurance policies. These charges might range from operating room fees to the cost of surgical equipment to doctor’s, nurse, and anesthesiologist fees.

  1. National Insurance Company of Ethiopia (NICE)
  2. Nyala Insurance Share Company (NISCO)
  3. Africa Insurance Company (AICSC)
  4. Awash Insurance Company (AIC)
  5. Global Insurance Company (GIC)

IVF technologies in Ethiopia

Embryoscope – The latest innovation in IVF, the embryoscope, is an intriguing time-lapse incubator that includes a camera. Without taking the embryo out of the incubator, it is possible to observe its progress continuously without subjecting it to the elements outside. The embryologist can observe each embryo’s cell divisions and growth after every ten minutes by using the embryoscope to take photographs of the embryo and create a brief time-lapse movie. As a result, the embryologist only chooses the best embryos for implantation.

Invocell or Vagincubator – An intervaginal culture device is the most recent IVF technology. For the first stages of embryo development, it uses the natural environment of the vagina. Instead of fertilizing the egg and sperm outside the body in an embryo lab, the IVC device does so internally for roughly 5 days. The IVC, a plastic device the size of a thumb, is withdrawn from the vagina after 5 days, and the embryo created inside is subsequently implanted in the uterus.

Laser-assisted Hatching – A zona pellucida protective shell encapsulates an embryo. The natural breaking of this outer layer is necessary for proper implantation. However, the zona pellucida can sometimes stiffen, making it challenging for the embryo to implant and hatch. This results in unsuccessful embryo implantation. The newest IVF technology, known as laser aided hatching, creates a tiny crack before the embryo is implanted in the uterus in the hopes that this hatching will aid in the embryo’s implantation and result in a successful pregnancy.

IVF Diagnosis methods in Ethiopia

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) – The uterine cavity and fallopian tubes can be examined with this X-ray. A sterile solution with contrast dye is injected into the cervix during this test. In order to ascertain whether the fallopian tubes are open, X-rays are used to look for obstructions in the flow.

Saline Infusion Sonohystereogram (SIS) – This ultrasound evaluates the uterus’s shape and has the ability to find abnormalities including fibroids and uterine polyps. In this technique, the uterus is injected with sterile fluid, and a vaginal ultrasound is carried out.

Follicular Dynamic Ultrasound – By measuring the size of the dominant follicle or follicles and monitoring their growth, follicular dynamic ultrasounds (FD) can be used to monitor follicle development. It also helps to predict when ovulation will occur.

Semen analysis – One or more samples of semen may be requested by your doctor. In general, ejaculating your semen into a clean container while interrupting a sexual act is how you obtain semen. Your sample of semen is examined in a lab. Testing for sperm in urine is a possibility in certain circumstances.

In Vitro Fertilization with ICSI in Ethiopia

A method of treating infertility is intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). It includes using live sperm to fertilize someone’s eggs in a lab. This process can produce an embryo (fertilized egg). When a man’s infertility interferes with his capacity to conceive, medical professionals most frequently use ICSI. The sperm injection is referred to as intracytoplasmic if it occurs inside the cytoplasm of an egg. It is the gel-like material, comprised of salt, water, and other molecules, that fills the center of an egg. Your healthcare professional inserts the fertilized egg (embryo) into your uterus in both ICSI and conventional IVF. If the embryo clings to the uterine lining, pregnancy will happen. The cost of ICSI in Ethiopia is $9,450.

Who needs ICSI?

ICSI is most beneficial for men who are struggling with infertility. Your doctor could advise ICSI if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Anejaculation (inability to ejaculate)
  • The male reproductive system is blocked
  • Sperm count is low.
  • Sperm of poor quality
  • Backward ejaculation

You might also require ICSI if:

  • Embryo formation has not occurred with conventional IVF.
  • The egg donor is over 35 years old.
  • To try to get pregnant, you’re using previously frozen sperm or eggs (cryopreservation).

Blocked Fallopian Tubes Treatment in Ethiopia

One potential reason for female infertility is blocked fallopian tubes. Although there are several risk factors that can raise the likelihood of acquiring the ailment, there are typically no symptoms. Tubal occlusion is the medical term for a blocked fallopian tube. Fimbriae, which resemble fingers, are the terminal caps of each fallopian tube. The ovary releases an egg, which the fimbriae collect and direct. Because they are where most eggs are fertilized, the fallopian tubes are crucial to fertilization. The fallopian tubes may develop scar tissue and become blocked if any of them are injured, such as through surgery or an infection. The cost of blocked fallopian tubes treatment in Ethiopia is $4,410.


  • Some women may develop symptoms from a blocked fallopian tube, such as pelvic or abdominal pain. It’s possible for this pain to be ongoing or to occur on a regular basis, such as right before their period.
  • An ovulated egg can occasionally get stuck if there is a fallopian tube obstruction. A pregnancy like this is referred to as ectopic. A scan is typically used to identify ectopic pregnancies, which may or may not always present symptoms.
  • On the other hand, some women could feel vaginal bleeding or stomach pain that is only present on one side of the body.


1. Is IVF harmful?

Basically, every surgical treatment carries some inherent risk, but because egg collection is guided by ultrasound, the overall rate of surgical complications is very low.

2. How many times can one attempt IVF?

This is determined by a number of factors, including the age of the female partner, the patient’s clinical profile, how well they responded to previous IVF cycles, and the financial implications. If all the criteria are within range, IVF can often be tried 3–4 times.

3. When is the ideal time to begin in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment?

After the initial consultation, examination, and blood tests, your doctor will explain the ideal time to begin the prescribed course of therapy. The second or third day of your period may be the day your doctor begins your treatment.

4. How long does IVF Process take?

Before egg retrieval, the in vitro fertilization process usually lasts 4 to 6 weeks. The embryos made from the sperm and egg are then transferred 3 to 5 days later.

5. What is the cost of IVF treatment in Ethiopia?

The cost of IVF treatment in Ethiopia is quite reasonable and varies depending on the procedure.

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