Dr. Mathewos Assefa

Consultant Internist and Oncologist in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia.

Dr. Mathewos Assefa is a renowned consultant internist & oncologist currently practicing in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Having developed a passion to serve patient needs, Dr. Assefa highly specializes in internal medicine and oncology to deliver the best services to his patients. His specialties include the detection, treatment, and follow-up of different diseases and illnesses; with focus on cancer and other diseases. Hence, Dr. Assefa’s dedication to familiarizing himself with oncological advances guarantees his patients receive the latest treatment techniques.

Currently, Dr.Mathewos Assefa is working as a consultant internist and oncologist in Ethiopia, particularly in Addis Ababa. He is a compassionate doctor who understands every patient’s conditions, hence creating and implementing treatment plans that would go well with the patient’s needs and wants.

General Information –

Work Experience

  • Over 25 years of work experience in various hospitals, including Gondar Hospital and Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
  • Currently working as an oncologist at Lancet Health Services.

Current Positions

  • Board Chairman of Ethiopian Cancer Association
  • Head of the Addis Ababa City Cancer Registry
  • Associate Professor of Oncology at Addis Ababa University since 2017

Previous Employment

  • Radiation Oncology at University of the Witswatersrand from 2003 to 2007
  • Addis Ababa University, College of Health Sciences since 2001
  • Jimma University from 1999 to 2000


  • Speciality training in Internal Medicine at Addis Ababa University from 1997 to 1999
  • Undergraduate study in Medicine at Jimma University from 1986 to 1993

Achievements and Awards

  • Awarded Fellow of College of Radiation Oncologists of South Africa
  • Director of the Addis Ababa City Cancer Registry since 2013
  • Member of African Cancer Registry Network (AFCRN) since 2011
  • Member of the NCD Task Force for Ethiopian Ministry of Health since 2015
  • Involved in the development of the Ethiopian National Cancer Control Plan since 2016


  • 6 publications

Services provided by Dr. Mathewos Assefa –

  • Breast Cancer Management
  • Head and Neck Tumor / Cancer Surgery
  • Lung Cancer Treatment
  • Giant Cell tumour Treatment
  • Ewing’s Sarcoma Treatment
  • Cancer Screening (Preventive)
  • Gynecological Cancer Treatment
  • Stem Cell Transplantation
  • Brachytherapy (Internal Radiation Therapy)
  • Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
  • External Beam Radiation For Prostate Cancer
  • Lumpectomy
  • Mastectomy
  • Mohs Surgery
  • Sentinel Node Biopsy
  • Cancer Surgery
  • Thyroidectomy
  • Splenectomy
  • Parotid Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Cytology Guided by Ultrasound
  • Breast Cancer Treatment

FAQs –

How many years has Dr. Mathewos Assefa been practicing?

Dr. Mathewos Assefa has been in the practice of oncology and internal medicine for over a quarter of a century.

Where is Dr. Assefa currently employed?

Presently, Dr. Assefa is an oncologist working at Lancet Health Services.

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