Fanconi Anemia in Lagos
Fanconi anaemia is a blood disorder that affects many organs. Bone marrow loss, anatomical anomalies, organ defects, and an elevated risk of some cancers are all possible symptoms of this disease.
Treatments for FA that last a long time include:
Get rid of the anaemia. Bone marrow cells that have been damaged are replaced with healthy cells that can produce all three types of blood cells on their own.
Treat the symptoms rather than the underlying problem. This is accomplished by the use of medications and other substances that, for a limited time, will assist your body in producing more blood cells.
The following are the four major forms of long-term care for FA:
Transplantation of blood and marrow stem cells
Androgen therapy is a treatment that uses androgens to
Development factors that are synthesised
Gene therapy is a form of genetic therapy that involves