University College Hospital Ibadan Surgeries
General Surgery: Basic principles Wounds; ulcers; sinuses; fistulae; inflammation; gangrene; wound healing; dressing. Wound infection; gram positive pyogenic cocci; gram negative pyogenic bacilli; anaerobic clostridia infection; tetanus; gas gangrene; cross infection; antibiotics; sterilization of instruments; investigation of postoperative fever. Metabolic response to injury, shock, haemorrhage, haemostasis, blood transfusion, fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance; parenteral nutrition. Inguino-scrotal swellings, hernia, hydrocoele, testicular swellings, pididymitis. General Surgery: Gastroenterology Haematemesis and melaena, physiology of gastric secretion, gastric function tests, complications of gastric surgery. Peptic ulcer, Carcinoma of stomach, Gastrointestinal polyps, Primary and secondary liver tumors, Small and large intestinal obstruction, volvulus of sigmoid colon, intussusception. Colostomy, ileostomy, faecal fistula, umbilical discharge, Ruptured spleen, blunt abdominal injury. Ascites, gall stones, bile duct strictures, surgical jaundice. Pancreatico-duodenal carcinoma, pancreatitis. Subphrenic abscess, Liver abscess, surgical complications of amoebiasis. Typhoid, Appendicitis, Tb. Abdomen. Rectal bleeding, anal pain, anal discharge, pruritus ani. Haemorrhoids, anal fissure, anorectal abscesses, fistula-in-ano, rectal prolapse. Inflammatory bowel disease. Diverticulitis. Colorectal polyps and carcinoma. The differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain. Non-surgical causes of abdominal pain. General Surgery: Breast, Endocrines, Oncology Breast abscess, nipple discharge,Benign tumours of the breast, malignant tumors of the breast. Salivary gland tumours, sialoadenitis, salivary gland calculi. Differential diagnosis of neck swellings, goiters. Thyrotoxicosis, carcinoma of the thyroid, thyroiditis, thyroidectomy, thyroid function tests. Surgical aspects of hypertension, phaeochromocytoma, Cushing’s disease, insulinoma, hyper-parathyroidism, apudoma. Tumors in general – classification; modes of spread, cytotoxic chemotherapy, irradiation, immune-therapy, hormonal therapy (ablative and additive); terminal care in inoperable malignancy. Reticulosis, Hodgkin’s disease, lymphosarcoma, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Dysphagia, oesophagitis, lye and other benign oesophageal strictures, achalasia, carcinoma of the oesophagus, oesophageal diverticula. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, extracorporeal circulation. Pulmonary tuberculosis, carcinoma of the lung, bronchiectasis, Heamoptysis, Varicose veins, lymphoedema, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism, Portal venous hypertension, Oesophageal varices, Aneurysms. Acute and chronic occlusive disease of the major arteries (aorta, femoropopliteal, mesenteric, carotid, vertebro-basilar). Sympathectomy. Operations of the heart and heart Valves. Urology Haematuria, investigation of the urinary tract, renal, ureteric and bladder stone, bladder tumors. Retention of urine, benign prostatic hypertrophy,urethral structure, carcinoma of the prostate. Anuria: Renal failure, hydronephrosis, Renal tumors, perinephric abscess. Circumcision, unde-scended and maldescended testes, ectopia vesicae, congenital abnormalities of the kidneys, hypospadias, vesico-ureteeric reflux. Immunology Immunology of transplantation: kidney, liver, heart and lung transplants,dialysis. Paediatric Surgery Tracheo-oesophageal fistula, infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, intestinal atresia and stenoses, Hirschprung’s disease, ano-rectal anomalies, intussusceptions, urogenital abnormalities in infancy and childhood. Plastic Surgery & Burns Hare lip and cleft palate, thyroglossal cyst, bronchial cyst, Burns, skin graft, keloids, hypertrophic scars, Peripheral nerve injuries, Tendon injuries, Burns and cold injuries. Abscesses, wound infection, dressings, Peripheral nerve injuries, Tendon injuries, Burns and cold injuries, Abscesses,wound infection, dressings. Otorhinolaryngology Otitis: epistaxis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, nasal and oropharyngeal tumors; tracheostomy. Ophthalmology: Conjunctivitis, uveitis, glaucoma, red eye, cataract, tumors of the eye. Orthopaedics: Osteomyelitis, hand infections, septic arthritis, bone and joint Tb, Melanoma Pedis. Polio myelitis, peripheral nerve injuries, low back pain, sciatica, Bone tumours, os-teomalacia, rickets, osteoporosis. Classification of fractures, Complications of fractures, Principles of management of fractures, Common fractures of the upper limbs, Common fractures of the lower limb, Common fractures of the pelvis and shoulder girdle. Common fracture of the vertebral spine, Common dislocations and fractures at the shoulder, Common dislocations and fractures at the hip, Common dislocations and fractures at the knee, Common dislocations and fractures at the ankle, Common dislocations and fractures at the elbow Common dislocations and fractures at the wrist, Common dislocations and fractures of the hand and foot, plaster of Paris techniques, bandaging and elastoplasts, Strpping, splints, rehabilitation, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Traumatology Trauma, multiple injuries, organisation of the accident and emergency (traumatology) unit. Mass casualties, Head injury, Blunt abdominal injuries & penetrating injuries to the abdomen, Chest injuries, flail chest, open and closed pneumothorax, Urinary trace injuries, Eye injuries, Ear, Nose and Throat injuries, Vascular injuries, Maxillofacial injuries, Spinal injuries.