NHIF Kidney Transplant

A State Parastatal established by a department within the Ministry of Health is the National Hospital Insurance Fund. The original Act of Parliament has been updated to take into account the shifting healthcare requirements of the Kenyan population, employment, and industry restructuring.

All Kenyans who are at least 18 years old are eligible to join the NHIF. The 95 fully autonomous branches, satellite offices, and 47 Huduma Centers across the nation are all home to NHIF. Each of these satellite offices and branches provides thorough customer service.

In a kidney transplant, a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor is surgically implanted into a patient whose kidneys are no longer functioning correctly. Renal transplantation is not readily available Kenya.


Please find below the approximate quote for a Renal Transplant in India

(A) Mandatory:

Renal Transplant Package 13,500 USD

(B) Variable:

Pre Transplant Work up for Recipient & Donor on out-patient basis (if required) 1200 – 1600 USD
Anti-Rejection Injection (if required) 1600 – 2300 USD
Post-Transplant Medications (3 months) 1200 – 1400 USD

* (if required) = The above costs mentioned in Column (B) Variable is applicable on the basis of patient’s
physical condition which might differ from patient to patient.

Duration of Stay in the Hospital for the transplant procedure:

Recipient – 12 days
Donor- 5 Days

The Duration of stay outside the Hospital (Recovery Stay):
Recipient – 60 days
Donor- 14 -21 days

The Estimate Includes:

1. Bed charges for 12 days
2. OT & Anesthesia Charges
3. Professional Charges
4. Basic Investigations charges for 12 days
5. Oxygen, Ventilation & ICU stay within 12 days if needed.
6. General medications for Recipient & Donor
7. Procedure Charges
8. Three Dialysis (Pre-Operative)
9. Stent Removal
10. Doppler Scan

The Estimate Excludes:

1. Bed Charges beyond 12 days.
2. Checking for immunosuppressant drug level more than once, if needed.
3. Special Medications other than the package. (Please refer Column (B) Variable)
4. Investigation charges beyond 12 days.
5. Other Special investigations.
6. Oxygen, Ventilation & ICU stay beyond 12 days.
7. Recipient work-up pre transplant (Please refer Column (B) Variable)
8. Donor’s work-up pre transplant (Please refer Column (B) Variable)
9. Stay outside the hospital is 4–12 weeks (both for Donor & recipient), cost of the same is not included in
the above estimate and is payable on actual.
10. Special diet will be provided at additional cost.
11. Any outpatient consultations and medicines which are required during the follow-up will not be a part of
the estimate.
12. Anti-Rejection Injection (if required) (Please refer Column (B) Variable)
13. Any special procedures such as Plasmapherasis etc.


1. The cost mentioned is on approximation. The exact costs will depend on the patient’s general condition,
stay in hospital & consumption of drugs.
2. We will provide you with a complimentary pick up from the Airport.
3. The visa extension/visa registration charges will have to be borne by the patient / attendant for their
stay in India (as per the statuary requirements in INDIA). However, Hospital facilitates the aforesaid
4. Please carry 10 passport photograph copies which would be required for visa formalities for each person.
5. Travel expenses for visa formalities are not included in the above estimate and is payable by the patient.
6. The above estimate will be valid for a period of 30 days from the receipt of this mail.
7. Please forward the patients complete travel details at least two working days in advance so that we can
make all the necessary arrangements to pick them up from the from airport or railway station.
8. On arrival, the patient and attendants would need to register with the Police Commissioners Office. This
will be coordinated by us.
9. We make arrangements for Hospital Guest House/Hotel facilities at locations convenient to the hospital.
Please feel free to contact us for reservations before your arrival.

In we carry out Kidney Transplants on a very regular basis. However, we
do transplants only between first degree blood relations (Wife, children, brothers or sisters) and not
unrelated donors.

Requirement II: Legal Documentation for Transplantation by the State Committee for Organ
Transplantation, Govt. of India.

Please find below the documents that need to be carried by the patient (All in originals) in order to get
approvals to go ahead for the transplantation:
1. Donor Identification letter from the Secretariat of the country of residence.
2. Recipient Identification letter from the Secretariat of the country of residence
3. Age declaration of Donor from the High Court of the country of Residence
4. Age declaration of Recipient from the High Court of the country of Residence
5. Relationship proof of the donor and recipient from the High Court of the country of Residence

6. Referral letter from treating hospital of the country of Residence stating that the patient is
referred to India for the Renal transplant.
7. Consent of Donor regarding no objection of donating the kidney from the High Court of residence
8. Family photo preferably with all members of the family (Donor & Recipient has to be present)
9. Family Tree document by the issuing authority in the country of residence.
10. A witness (Spouse, Parents or Sibling) from each side has to be present in front of the State Committee
for Organ Transplant for granting the approval.
11. 30 Passport size photographs of the Donor, Recipient and 2 other family members travelling with
12. Other documents will be done in India and will be coordinated by The International Patient Care
team at India.
Please note that these documents will be submitted to the State Committee for Organ Transplantation,
Govt. of India. This is the committee that grants approval for organ transplants for foreign nationals.
Please note that this body meets twice a month for granting approvals. Individual approvals can take a
minimum of 30 – 45 days.

NHIF Renal Transplant process to India

Please find below a brief through the process for a Renal Transplant.

First, the family should arrange to send us the latest Reports of the recipient and donor to confirm their Eligibility.

Second, once confirmed need to send us the duly filled Preliminary Information Sheet as attached.

Third, based on the information received we shall prepare the draft affidavit with instructions, which needs to be signed, countersigned by Notary Public and Judicial magistrate. This is mandatory requirement under the Organ Transplantation Act in India.

Fourth, come to the Hospital with the Donor and duly signed affidavits. Once the Affidavits are ready the patient can come here for the Renal Transplant with a Blood Group matched, I st Degree Blood related / Spouse, healthy Donor for the Renal Transplant.

The Medical Records that needs to be sent to us are:

1. Blood Group.
2. Glucose Tolerance test.
3. Urine analysis.
4. Renal Function Tests.
5. Ultrasound Abdomen concentrating on the Size of the kidney and architecture.
6. Cross matching.
7. Hepatitis B,C virus (HBsAg & HCV antibody).
8. HIV 1&2.
9. Height and Weight.

1. Blood Group.
2. Renal Function Tests.
3. Hepatitis B,C Virus and HIV 1&2.
4. Ultrasound Abdomen.
5. ECG
6. Echo.
7. Cross matching.
8. Height and Weight.

The Approximate Duration of Stay would be 3 – 4 weeks for the Workup &
Committee approval for the Renal Transplant, 10 Days in the Wards post transplant
and1 to 2 months for the follow up Post Discharge.

NHIF Kidney Transplant – Documents Required

1. Email print out from the local doctor sent to the Kenya medical practitioners and dentists council.

2. Referral for overseas treatment form from the Kenya medical practitioners and dentists council. Signed by the specialist for the particular disease, should be original, typed and stamped.

3. NHIF form (referral for overseas treatment) signed by the principal member, the specialist doctor and stamped.

4. A referral letter by the local referring specialist (doctor) which should be typed original and stamped.

5.A letter from the receiving facility in India or whichever country

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