Surrogacy Treatment Cost in Nairobi

Gestational surrogacy allows those who are unable to have children to become parents. It is a process that involves medical and legal experience, as well as a clear process of support during the journey.

Via IVF, embryos are developed in a laboratory at a fertility clinic. Perhaps the intended parents are using their own genetic material. An egg donor is often needed. At the fertility center, 1-2 embryos are inserted into a gestational carrier that holds the child(s) to completion.

Surrogacy Treatment Cost in Nairobi

Surgery name A minimum price (USD) Maximum price (USD) Average price (USD)
Surrogacy $ 6,500 $ 8,500 $ 7,500

The average Surrogacy Treatment cost in Nairobi is 7,500USD.

Nairobi is the preferred destination for Surrogacy Treatment because of the Low Cost of Surrogacy Treatment in Nairobi 6,500 USD. Many patients travel from abroad and different parts of the country because the Surrogacy Treatment price in Nairobi 6,500 USD is affordable.

There are many Hospitals with highly experienced Surrogacy Treatment in Nairobi. Nairobi city also has a very good supply of Implants required for Surrogacy Treatment in Nairobi.

Surrogacy Treatment reviews in Nairobi by past clients are very encouraging because the Surrogacy Treatment success rate in Nairobi is high.


Surrogacy Insurance Treatment coverage in Nairobi


Surrogacy Treatment is a common procedure in Nairobi. Many health insurance providers are assisting you with this emergency care procedure.

Top insurance companies that cover Surrogacy Treatment are,

Jubilee Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage

CIC General Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

APA Insurance Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

UAP Insurance Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

Britam Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

GA Insurance Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

Resolution Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

ICEA Lion General Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

AAR Insurance Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

Heritage Health Insurance Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

NHIF Kenya Surrogacy Treatment Coverage,

What does surrogacy mean for surrogate mothers?

Becoming a surrogate is life-changing. Surrogate mothers are kind and selfless, family-loving, and eager to support others. Many surrogates have long-lived relations with their intended parents, and they remain part of each other’s lives even after the child is born.

It’s empowering to be willing to give others the gift of parenthood. Women applying to become surrogates are ready to be emotionally, psychologically, and physically “all-in” to their intended parents.

Who’s involved?

A woman who agrees to give birth to a child for another person is a surrogate or a birth mother. Parents of a child born through a surrogacy arrangement are known as intended or commissioning parents.

Before taking this life-changing step, many others need to be considered, including the surrogate mother’s partner and children, the child itself, and any other children of the intended parent.

Types of Surrogacy

The term “surrogacy” is generally used to describe a few different scenarios.

The egg may come either from the mother or from the donor. In the same way, sperm can come from the intended father or donor. Pregnancy is achieved through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

A traditional surrogate gives her own egg and carries a pregnancy for an individual or a couple. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) with sperm from the intended father is usually achieved by pregnancy. Donor sperm may also be used.

According to the Southern Surrogacy Agency, gestational carriers are more common than traditional surrogates. Why is that? Since a traditional surrogate donates her own egg, she is technically also the child’s biological mother.

While this can definitely work just fine, it can create complex legal and emotional issues. In fact, several states actually have laws against traditional surrogacy on these grounds.

The cost of Surrogacy Treatment in Nairobi is as following:

Surgery name A minimum price (Kenyan Shilling, KSh) Maximum price (Kenyan Shilling, KSh) Average price (Kenyan Shilling, KSh)


 7,114,90 KES  9,304,10 KES  8,209,50 KES

The Cost for Surrogacy Treatment may vary according to the following factors:

  • Doctor’s Fee
  • Hospital charges
  • Medical condition after Surrogacy Treatment
  • Type & Quality of Implants/Consumables
  • Lab Tests recommended post-Surrogacy Treatment


Who Uses surrogacy?

Significant uterine defects or lack of uterus

Major medical conditions that would pose a major risk to either the mother or the fetus during pregnancy.

Biological inability to carry an infant (e.g. same-sex male couple or single male)

Patients with a history of several unexplained IVF cycles or other suggestions for an unspecified endometrial factor

How to find a surrogate in Nairobi

Some people find a friend or family member willing to serve as a surrogate. Others turn to alternative agencies—in the United States or abroad—to find a good match. The agencies will first screen candidates to ensure that they meet the criteria associated with the process. Then they match your own wants/needs to find the best situation for your family.

Don’t know where to get started? The non-profit group Society for Egg Donation and Surrogacy Ethics (SEEDS) was created to examine and maintain ethical issues related to egg donation and surrogacy. The group maintains a member directory that can help you find agencies in your area.

How does surrogacy Treatment work in Nairobi?


It is a process that requires medical and legal expertise and a strong process of support throughout the journey.

Via IVF, embryos are developed in a laboratory at a fertility clinic. Perhaps the intended parents are using their own genetic material. An egg donor is often needed. At the fertility center, 1-2 embryos are inserted into a gestational carrier that holds the child(s) to completion.

Gestational carriers have no genetic association with the children they carry.

Criteria for becoming a surrogate

Qualifications to be a gestational surrogate vary by organization but include such things as:

Age. Applicants must be between 21 and 45 years old Again, the exact range varies from location to location.

Reproductive history to this. They both had to last at least one pregnancy—without complications—but had less than five vaginal deliveries and two cesarean sections.

Lifestyle. Surrogates must reside in a supportive home setting, as verified in a home report. Drugs and substance misuse are other factors.

Test. Additionally, prospective surrogates must be checked for mental wellbeing, full physical—including screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Intended parents are also expected to meet such criteria. This include:

Provide full health history

Physical tests to ensure that in vitro fertilization retrieval cycles can be successfully carried out

Infectious disease screening

Testing for such genetic diseases that may be passed on to a child

Mental health therapy is also prescribed to cover such topics as surrogacy expectations, addictions, violence, and other psychological problems.

Legal issues with surrogates

Parental rights are not secured after a surrogate birth. The law continues to evolve as reproductive technology and the very concept of ‘parent’ changes.

There is no federal regulation on surrogacy, and the laws of the state differ. After a surrogate pregnancy in certain jurisdictions, you will also have to go through an adoption process to obtain legal custody of the infant. In other nations, a “declaration of parentage” before birth protects you from having to “adopt” the infant.

To protect your rights as parents-to-be-and the rights of the child you are planning to have, hire a lawyer who specializes in reproductive law in your country. They should write a surrogacy contract that explicitly lays out what everybody wants to do.

A contract like this can help if legal issues occur after birth. It can also detail agreements on a number of potential pregnancy scenarios, such as what happens if there are twins or triplets.

How it really happens, step-by-step

The child is born at which point the intended parents are given full legal custody as set out in the legal contract.

Traditional surrogates, on the other hand, often donate their eggs, so IVF is typically not involved in the process.

Choose your surrogate.

Establish and study a legal contract.

Go through the IUI process using the sperm of the intended father or the donor sperm.

The child has been born. The surrogate may need to terminate the parental rights of the child legally, and the intended parents may need to complete the adoption of the stepparent in addition to any legal arrangement formed at the earlier stage of the process.

Once you have selected a surrogate, completing a pregnancy varies depending on the type of surrogate you are using.

For gestational carriers, the process looks like this:

Choose a replacement, usually through an organization.

Establish and study a legal contract.

Go through the egg retrieval process (if using the intended mother’s eggs) or acquire the eggs from the donor. Develop embryos using the expected sperm of the father or the donor sperm.

Shift embryos to the gestational carrier (surrogate) and then, if it sticks, observe the pregnancy. If this does not work, the intended parents and the surrogate will try another IVF cycle.

What is the Surrogacy treatment success rate in Nairobi?

IVF clinics have a surrogacy success rate of around 75%. When the surrogate is pregnant, the success rate for a safe birth is as high as 95%. Still, the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) states that ‘success varies with several variables.

Surrogacy Treatment Cost in Nairobi

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